November 26, 2023


by | news

I believe this could be my ultimate website considering how much effort and work I have put into it.
This time I used a theme from a Spanish provider – and I have to say it was money well invested.
As an artist, it’s already difficult to decide how you want to present yourself. It should be simple – distract little from the content, ideally integrate a shop system.
The theme from DESTACA IMAGEN offers me all of this and I would particularly like to emphasize the first-class support.
Unfortunately, there are always problems here and there – but the DESTACA team reacts and immediately works on a solution in the background.

Over the years I’ve had a variety of websites, starting with those from my DJ and music career, followed by several different designs during my time as a designer toy artist, and most recently those where I showcased my canvas paintings and graphic design jobs.

This time I am presenting a wider range of my work, ranging from the designer toy era to my most recent works and projects.

So this could be the final iteration! I hope I’m not too lazy and will regularly fill this blog with content from my life as an artist and graphic designer.



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